
The sustainability landscape in the paper industry can seem like a maze: a new language with third-party acronyms, certifications and environmental features.

Sappi is no different than its customers when it comes to learning how to navigate this labyrinth. As the leader in the global coated fine paper market, we work each and every day at manufacturing our products in responsible and sustainable ways. Staying on top of sustainability issues—and helping our partners, designers, paper merchants and printers who rely on our products, do the same—is part of Sappi’s deep commitment to honoring your trust.

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See all of the documents and videos in Sustainability.

Go inside a sustainably managed forest to see how Sappi is having a positive impact on the health of forests, the animals that live there, and the overall environment. You’ll never look at paper the same way again.

A “please recycle” message doesn’t have to be the ubiquitous chasing arrows. Use one of these or create your own!

一张图片胜过你sand words as these educational info-graphics show so well! Click here to learn more.

Browse and order swatchbooks, educational materials and promotional pieces.