7 truths about forests and paper

We practise and promote sustainable forestry to ensure that forestland stays forested for generations to come. 

Negative statements about paper and printing are everywhere. You see them on the bottom of emails, websites and billing statements. Just remember, often times these messages are more fiction than fact. Read on to discover七个真理about forests and paper in North America.

1. What is the value of ‘managing’ a forest vs. having a ‘natural’ forest?

All forests are managed, either by Mother Nature or by humans, so the true value comes from having healthy forests.

Taking an active role in management can improve the health and well-being of the forest by mitigating conditions that make the forest more susceptible to damage from fire, insects or disease. Because forests live for a long time, we begin by working with landowners to analyse each specific tract of land, creating a plan based on tree species, age classes, density and the other factors that make it unique.

If the timber is young and prolific, we might use thinning techniques to promote tree growth and biodiversity. If trees are large and mature, a more intensive prescription might be appropriate. This would encourage young growth and new food sources for wildlife. These management plans result in better soil and water quality, protect biodiversity, preserve areas of historic or religious significance and increase recreation opportunities. By balancing the ecological, social and financial benefits, we ensure our own health along with the forests under our watch.It's all explained in the video below.